
Sculptra is an injectable cosmetic filler. Sculptra is used to restore facial volume lost due to aging or illness. It is a collagen stimulator, not a facial filler. Sculptra contains poly-L-lactic and acid (PLLA), which is a biocompatible synthetic substance that stimulates collagen production. Sculptra can be used to treat deep lines, creases, and folds to give you a more youthful appearance. We are able to treat the lateral face, including the temples, cheeks hollows and jawline. These are areas where we tend to lose collagen, fat, and bone as we age, leading to jowling and gathering of the skin at the mid face. By replacing this volume loss and collagen structure with Sculptra, we can rebuild the support of the tissue and lift sagging skin!

Sculptra is injected deep into the dermis and gradually improves the affected area. The Sculptra process stimulates remodeling of the dermis and a deeper rejuvenation that takes several weeks to months. You gradually begin to look younger. No one can say for sure that you have had something cosmetically done; they are kept guessing !

On average, three injection appointments are needed over a period of a few months. The number of injection appointments and the number of injections per appointment vary from person to person, depending on how much collagen has been lost. Initially, you will need 1-3 treatments of Sculptra® over the span of a few months, then yearly. Average amount used is 1-2 vials per treatment. Each vial costs $750.

Results are typically seen within 3-4 months and last up to 2 to 3 years. Bruising is possible, plan 2 weeks ahead of any events/vacation

FAQ: What is the difference between Dermal Filler and Sculptra?

Fillers are gel substances, like hyaluronic acid, that diminish lines by pushing up the dermis space beneath wrinkles and creases. Results appear immediately and can last up to several months.

Collagen stimulators are used to diminish facial wrinkles by helping to restore the deep, underlying structure of the skin. Results appear gradually over the treatment regime (typically three injections over the course of three to four months) and can last up to two years.